FAQs: Mission and Policies
Q: What does Decency LLC do?
A: Decency LLC is working toward a fair and compassionate healthcare system—while keeping in mind that terms such as “fairness,” “compassion,” and “decency” can be defined in different ways in healthcare, and that these definitions can become contentious.
Maybe best compared in terms of purpose and intent to organizations such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch in the human rights space, the Electronic Frontier Foundation or EPIC in privacy and digital liberties, or the American Civil Liberties Union (disclaimer: these organizations have no relationship to DLLC), DLLC may pursue its mission via any permissible activity such as but not limited to fundraising, research, or advocacy work.
Q: EFF : The Digital World :: DLLC : …
A: Healthcare and Research (see, e.g., https://www.123test.com/analogies/).
Q: What is the end goal (in a perfect world)?
A: A healthcare system in which every patient feels safe, comfortable, and confident seeking care, and in which every stakeholder on the provider-side feels safe, comfortable, and confident offering services and building their career.
Q: What are some examples of the topics or projects that define your work?
A: Decency LLC is currently interested in harms within the healthcare system. These can include but are not limited to unintended harms, abuses within the system, misuses of the system (e.g., medical child abuse), or practices or policies that patients or other stakeholders feel are misguided and need to change.
Q: Are you exclusively U.S.-focused?
A: Decency LLC is U.S.-based but appreciates that healthcare is global.
Q: How long have you been around?
A: This organization has been in existence since May of 2022. An early attempt at similar work—via TIA Inc., a now-defunct 501(c)(3) non-profit organized at the end of 2018—became impractical during the COVID-19 pandemic. So the idea has been around for a few years, but this particular implementation is more recent.
Q: Is this a law firm?
A: No. DLLC is not taking legal cases for clients.
Q: Is this a non-profit organization?
A: Although many organizations pursuing similar work are non-profits, Decency LLC is not a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It is structured as a for-profit limited liability company.
Q: Who funds you?
A: Decency LLC currently runs on private funding and/or donations. Additional sources of funding may be pursued in the future.
Q: Do you provide legal advice?
A: No. Although DLLC’s work is often law-related, this organization does not currently give legal advice to clients.
Q: Do you provide medical advice or services?
A: No. Although DLLC’s work is often medically-related, this organization does not currently provide medical advice, treatments, or similar services to clients.
Q: What are your views on… ?
A: Decency LLC aims to be non-partisan and carefully consider the nuances of every challenge or controversy in healthcare.
Q: Are you involved in impact litigation?
A: Decency LLC is not involved in impact litigation or other efforts to use one individual’s (e.g., patient’s) case to promote—via lawsuits or other means such as lobbying—broad changes in the legal system.
Q: Is this an “anti-pharma” organization?
A: No.
Q: Would I need to be vaccinated to work for you?
A: Decency LLC supports measures and interventions necessary to protect public health. With that said, to the extent permitted by law, it is Decency LLC’s policy not to engage in inquiries about or discrimination based on any aspect of your innate or modified biology (e.g., genetics, medical conditions, individual or family medical history, past or present medical interventions).
Q: Okay, so you won’t discriminate against me. But will you judge me silently?
A: Decency LLC aims to be a judgment-free organization. No exceptions.
Q: Will you refuse to help me in any way based on my views or identity?
A: To the extent permitted by law, no.