What Is the Zachary Project?
“The Zachary Project” is the working title for an effort to right wrongs in healthcare and to research opportunities for improvement in the healthcare system.
Years of crisis line work taught DLLC’s founder that:
(1) countless individuals feel there is room for improvement in the healthcare system—that they have been harmed within that system, or their needs and complaints have been ignored; and
(2) often the difference between a decision to keep fighting and advocating (or even keep living) and giving up can come down to the genuine care or interest of one other person, who takes time to listen and acknowledge that something has gone wrong.
With that in mind, DLLC’s aim is to ensure that these stories do not go un-acknowledged.
How Was the Project Named?
Rather than being named for any one person, this project’s namesake (along with similar names like Zechariah, Zakarya, Zack) is related to words denoting “memory” or “remembrance” in various languages.
DLLC is open to other naming suggestions, but for now, given the goal of helping ensure that your experiences are acknowledged, or remembered, this name still seems appropriate.
For Questions, Comments, and Contributions:
Reach out at havesomedecency@protonmail.com or via the Contact form.