Issue Summary: Medical Aid in Dying

Decency LLC’s issue summary on medical aid in dying (MAiD) reviews legislative history in U.S. states and abroad; information and statistics related to MAiD laws’ use in practice; and concerns and considerations previously raised by patients, providers, and other stakeholders.

Category: Issue Summaries

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[Opinion] Five Perspectives on the Costs and Benefits of Health Insurance

While some Americans significantly benefit from having health insurance plans, others choose to remain uninsured. In answering the question of whether or not health insurance is worth purchasing, we must recognize that the response will differ greatly depending on whom we ask. However, for the population as a whole, purchasing health insurance is well worth it.

By Cassandra Mirasolo

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Where the Decency LLC Journey Started and What Has Been Learned So Far

Shortly before I started Decency, I had a proverbial ‘aha! moment’ conversation with a friend, and it occurred to me to look back on the last 5+ years and ask: Was anything learned? There are two main takeaways from this journey. One, when you’re worried about what to do to help someone, take the time to listen to them. Two, you don’t always need to do something.

By Alessandra Suuberg

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